Frequently Asked Questions
Get all your questions answered !
What Products and services do you provide ?
We provide waste management and waste to energy projects as our original line of business. We sell design, and build all types of power plants. We have some very exciting new product lines in power generation. Additionally, most infrastructure projects are within our purview. Reach out to us through our contact us page and we will get a better idea of what your needs are, and we will let you know what
we can provide.
Can you finance large projects ?
If there are the proper guarantees and/or credit worthiness, we can get any size project financed. Of course, the project must be viable. We will gladly review your project plan and financial proforma, and help guide you toward the next step.
What regions do you work in ?
While we are based in the United States, our reach stretches out across the globe. We have strategic partners in so many countries, it’s too numerous to list.
What is your commitment to the environment and to sustainability ?
Our history is based in environmental consciousness. We were doing multiple “zero waste” projects even before they coined the term. We believe in a pragmatic approach to environmental issues. Every project that we do is an upgrade environmentally, or we will refuse the project.
How do we get a quote or proposal for a project ?
Go to our Contact Us page and give us just a few details and we will have the right person reach out to you immediately.
We have a project that has multiple components to it. We have a landfill that needs to be decommissioned, a compost center to be built, and we need a waste to energy plant. Is this something that you can develop ?
Absolutely. There are few limitations to our capabilities, as we have some of the very large reputable companies as our strategic partners. We can very quickly summon the right teams to create, design, and build whatever projects are thrown at us.
Are you able to bid on our government energy project ?
Yes. We often bid on government projects, and understand the entire bidding process. Please
contact us and we will ask you to send us the link for the bid, and we can set up a conference call to discuss the specifics.
Would you be interested in a joint project with a local company or group ?
Many of our projects are done in conjunction with local groups. There is a major benefit for us to have a local partner. Please contact us and we will be glad to discuss specifics.